"The New Together" was a landmark initiative by PLATFORM architecture and design, hosted at the Scuola Grande della Misericordia in Venice. Concluding on 30th July 2023, the event showcased projects from 140 architecture studios worldwide, each exploring how spatial design is evolving to address the demands of our ever-changing world.
Project Details
The New Together
Platform Magazine, Luca Molinari
The exhibition offered a global perspective on how architects and designers are responding to the social, cultural, and environmental challenges of today, presenting innovative solutions that redefine the way we experience and interact with spaces.
The evening’s presenter, journalist Paola Pierotti, welcomed the key figures of the exhibition to the stage. Among them were curators Luca Molinari and Simona Finessi, along with Angelo Dadda, the artistic director of the exhibition project. Representing the architecture studio Superluna, which designed and executed the exhibition layout, were its founders, Luca Sartori and Marco Bonfatti Paini. Finally, artist Jacopo Ascari introduced an exclusive illustration created specifically for the exhibition, accompanied by a ‘work in progress’ video narrating the creative process.